Record documents (component manufacturer)

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In the tab "Documents“ any documents and links to a component manufacturer are listed.

In the column “Number used” it is indicated how many component data records the respective document has been assigned to. In the table “Documents used in...“ the respective component data records of the marked document or link are listed.





By clicking on the button "Edit on" documents can be added, deleted or replaced. Links to the manufacturers devices can be added. Documents can only be deleted, if no link to a device was created or if the link was deleted before.





By the matchcode it is possible to link the documents with the catalog articles and later with the MDM records. It is also possible

to give the same matchcode to different documents or URLs

to give different matchcodes to the same document or URL

Attention: Please regard that the maximum size of documents is 5 MB!


Import of documents or URLs by Excel template


By clicking on the button "Edit on" documents or URLs can be imported by an Excel template. By clicking on the button "Save import template" the template can be opened and after the entering or editing of data it can be saved as an Excel file. This Excel file can be opened by clicking on the button "Import documents" and the data can be imported.





Attention: If you want to import catalog articles with linked URLs, the URLs must be entered here with defined matchcode before you´ll start the import! Catalog articles