Universal approvals

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Universal approvals are applied for the approval of complete series of types without relevance for replacement in a MFL or in a project - for example:

standard parts

production parts without relevance for replacement

fittings / fixing material without relevance for replacement

bits and pieces / bulk materials.


The purpose of universal approvals is the approval of parts lists entries, although these devices do not exist in the MDM. The benefits of universal approvals are:

the application, the processing / forwarding and the approval of  "requests for new devices" is not necessary

the parts list entries are directly approved

the MDM data pool is not enlarged unnecessarily.


Instead creating single devices and after that to approve them in material approval lists or as special approvals in projects, complete series of types can be approved by use of universal approvals. All such devices must have comparable and in the masking definable entries in the following parts lists fields:

manufacturer (import)

order number (import)

article type (import)

norm (import)

denomination (import)


Universal approvals are created by the OEM below the corresponding material approval list or the corresponding project. They are identifiable by the wildcards or the masking entries in the data fields above, the entry "universal approval" in the field "kind of dataset (record)"  or by the MDM-ID displayed in <angle brackets>.





Here you can find all information you need concerning arranging, editing and analyzing all tables displayed in every MDM view: Tables.


The universal approvals can be opened by a double click or by an click on the button "detail view" analogously to the devices.





The data fields are separated in two sections:

Masking section (Definition / Masking): in these fields  the universal approvals are defined not by concrete data, but by the use of wildcards. The entries are relevant for the parts lists check / approval. The example above: all "Zentrierstifte (= dowel pins)"of the manufacturer "MITSUMI", whose order numbers begin with "JPZS" and any and any number of characters may follow (defined by the wildcard "*"). Because all other data fields contain only "*", all Zentrierstifte (dowel pins) of MITSUMI, whose order number begin with JPZS, are approved.

Describing section (Descriptive fields): here additional information as accurately as possible should be entered, so that the user can understand, what devices are meant.


During the parts lists check as well the device approvals as the universal approvals are checked.





Creating and editing of universal approvals is only possible for plant operators.


A detailed description of the workflow with a step by step instruction can be found in the Quick guide for suppliers pages 25 - 33.