Status of components

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Every data record (components, universal approvals, device group) has a specific status. By the status different features in the MDM are managed.


The following status are defined:






Status "temporary"

The status "temporary" appears, if components or device groups are requested during the workflow "request new device". The component or device group is "temporary" until the node manager approves it.

Attention! If the component or device group will not be approved, it will be purged in the MDM.


Status "active"

"Active" is the normal status of a record or device group. "Aktive" componentsor device groups have the full funtionality in the MDM.


Status "blocked"

Records or device groups are usually blocked if the device or device group is not longer available or a successor is defined.


Status "errorneous"

"Errorneous" components or device groups are ignored in the MDM. They cannot be approved in projects or MFLs and cannot be assigned in the CAD systems, whereby they are not considered in reports. Therefore it is only allowed to tag components or device groups as "errorneous", if it´s  necessary such as they are duplicated devices. If componentsor device groups were entered by mistake, they should be taged as "blocked" and just not as "errorneous".


Certain features in the MDM are not available for "blocked" or "errorneous" records or device groups.