Components / data record description

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A data record in the MDM is a component or an order unit with a distinct order or article number and a corresponding description. In the MDM each data record exists only once.


If in the following activities are described that are relevant for data consistency and safety, this attention signal will alert the user to it.

In all structure views the data records assigned to the respective structure elements are listed in a table via the tab “Approved components“. The lines contain one complete data record each and the columns the corresponding data fields. The columns can be edited according to the well-known Excel functionality, data records can be sorted, selected and grouped via the data fields.

If a selection arrow appears at the right end of the field, the field contents can be viewed in a table stored there.

The field names for “Designation“, “Technical description“ and “Comments“ are highlighted selection buttons; a mouse-click on these buttons opens a window with entries in the selectable languages German, English, French and Hungarian.

The contentwise related data fields are summed up in the window „Component details“ in the individual tabs. The register contains the following data:

General attributes:

Field name



Mandatory field






Component manufacturers of devices or materials who are managed in an independent table. The contents is displayed in CAD evaluations (e.g. device lists). On the left in front of the manufacturer’s name a symbol with the following meaning is displayed:  




A manufacturer can give further information



Range of functions

Range of functions Premium, Limited or Undefined.
see also range of functions

Nav_plain_green 16x16-xp Premium


Order number

Order number of a device or materials which, depending on the manufacturer, may be identical with the type name.


Changes of the order numbers may have direct effects on the existing order processes! New components must never be created by changing the order number! (see also Predecessor / Successor)

Contents is displayed in CAD evaluations (e.g. device lists).



Type of article

Type number of device or material which may be identical with the order number depending on the manufacturer.

Contents is displayed in CAD evaluations (e.g. device lists).




Definition of series. Thus associated components can be grouped manufacturer-specifically in tables.

Harmony style 4/5



Designation of devices and materials managed in independent tables and serving as an additional structure.

Also selectable in English, French and Hungarian!

Limit switch



Status of the data record: Active, Temporary (if in workflow " Apply for new device“ still in process), Blocked (see below field Note) or Errorneous




Length of a cable or a pipe in m




Width of the device or material in mm




Diameter of the device or material or the bore hole in mm




Hight of the device or material in mm



Packing unit

Number of devices / materials per order/packing unit




Depth of the device or material in mm



Certificate  CSA

CSA/CSA-NRTL approval (Canadian Standard Association)

Certification procedure according to North American standards for electrotechnical products.

Yes (default); No;

N/A, not needed


Certificate  CCC

CCC-approval (China CompulsoryCertification)

The CCC-certificate is the Chinese compulsory certificate for various groups of products, in particular technical and electronical products and products in the automobile industry.

Yes (default); No;

N/A, not needed


Certificate  UL

UL/C-UL approval (Underwriters Laboratories)

Certification procedure according to North American standards for electrotechnical products.

Yes (default); No;

N/A, not needed


Certificate  CE

CE marking („CommunautésEuropéennes“)

Signifies that a product complies with the requirements of the European Union imposed on the manufacturer.

Yes (default); No;

N/A, not needed



Standard concerning the device

ISO adc 123



Denomination from the manufacturers catalogue

special equipment abc


Performance level

This terms is defined in the norm (DIN EN ISO 13849) and means "probability of a dangerous failure in hours.



List price

List price in germany in Euro.



Technical description

Description of devices and materials with their technical specifications. This field contains all major attributes ; as a rule, the basis for the description is the manufacturer’s catalogue.

Syntax rule: the technical description always starts with the correct order name of the component. Word-wrapping and blank lines are not allowed to avoid excessive field lengths, abbreviations are not allowed to guarantee better readability and clarity.

Contents is displayed in CAD evaluations (e.g. device lists).

Also selectable in English, French and Hungarian!

Circuit breaker for motor protection Size S2; 16A; 50kA

Rated operating current [A]: 16

Rated operating power [kW]: 7,5

Setting range [A]: 11-16

Size: S2



Notes on the data record management, e.g. reasons for blocking a data record.

***Block DS***

Successor defined



Comments on the component not belonging to the technical description.

Also selectable in English, French and Hungarian!

At the moment instructions for use are available



Documents or internet links with additional information.


When using internet links the users have to update any change in the data structure in order to be still able to access the stored information any time!




Life cycle data


These data fields are subject to specific read and write permissions!


Field name



Mandatory field





Availability of spare parts

How long will the component still be available as a part (spare part)  after “End of active sales“? The time value of the availability of spare parts after termination of active sales. For PC components this can be 5 years, for the current standard 10 years and for an increased supply reliability 20 years.

5, 10, 20 years


Service life

The period of time when the component has not yet reached the wearout phase with a strongly increasing failure rate – it has to be indicated for all safety-relevant components. Quotation: DIN EN 13849-1: 3.1.28 (service life = TM) … period of time that covers the designated usage of a safety-relevant part of control systems. …

20 years


Repair code

Is the part currently still available?

Is the part still available as a spare part?

Is the part available as a spare part only in exchange?

Is the part only repairable? (no exchange part available)



Start of sales

Point of time when the component started to be sold



Invitation for a last-time buy

The manufacturer foresees that the component will shortly be available only as a spare part and offers the customer to take spare parts on stock.

In addition, it is indicated that the component is no longer supposed to be used for new projects.

As a rule, the successor product is already on the market.



End of active sales

The component is only available as a spare part, in case a spare part is needed.



End of spare part sales

The part can no longer be repaired.





Field name



Mandatory field






Placeholder 1 for technical data for entry in the documentation

The contents of this column is transferred to specific text placeholders in the CAD (for terminals also as an entry in the terminal diagram).




Placeholder 2 for technical data for entry in the documentation

The contents of this column is transferred to specific text placeholders in the CAD.








Address of the functional object in the CAD system RUPLAN

(Mapping of the data record in the CAD system)




Alternative address of the functional object in the CAD system RUPLAN

(Mapping of the data record in the CAD system)




Alternative address of the functional object in the CAD system RUPLAN

(Mapping of the data record in the CAD system)




DAIMLER-specific fields


These data fields are subject to specific read and write permissions!


Field name



Mandatory field





Item number
W010 - W371

Data fields for operator-specific information (e.g. plant-specific or cross-plant stock numbers)



SRM-Item number

Data fields for operator-specific information (e.g. plant-specific or cross-plant stock numbers)




Data record informationen

Field name



Mandatory field





Created on/at

Date and time of creation of the data record

26.04.2007 14:34


Created by

User who created the data record


Changed on/at

Date and time of change to the data record

26.04.2007 14:34


Changed by

User who changed the data record



Internal data record number for unequivocal identification of the data record. Corresponds to the assigned address in the CAD/CAE. After the minus the current version number follows. After positive QS check by VESCON in whole numbers.

5421 - V0.2



Tab "Consists of" in detail view of device groups

In this device list parts from the MDM and also parts not listed in the MDM can be added. The colums "E/V" ans "Count" can be edited.


Level of data detail

In the field of electrical engineering all components that are evaluated in an item, device or cable list of the CAD-/CAE system have to be entered with all details including order number. For all other components a superordinated entry (e.g. Type) can be made instead, with the individual order numbers having to be listed in the field “Documents” or stored as a data attachment.