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In the view “Components“ all component data records existing in the MDM can be listed.


Via the function “Display” the component data of the selected manufacturer are displayed. The component data of all manufacturers are listed by a click on the checkbox “Display all components”.





Via "Search for MDM-ID"  component data records can be searched for with the help of their MDM-ID, i.e. the data record number which the system automatically assigns to a newly created entry. If several data records are searched for, the different MDM-IDs can be separated by “,”, e.g. 3,12,2065. Through activation of the function “Display” the component data are displayed.


By a double-click on a component / record or a click on the button „Details“ the detailed view can be opened.





Here you can find all information you need concerning arranging, editing and analyzing all tables displayed in every MDM view: Tables.