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The Jobs view displays all the jobs of a user with the corresponding information.


Jobs are used to outsource certain processes, which burden the system extremely, on a separate system.

A job is initiated by the user, and then placed in a job list. The jobs are then processed one after the other.

The user is notified after completing his job.


The following functions are currently being processed by jobs


Check parts list again - this job is processed with a high priority

Parts list import

Create status report

Report parts list entries - special export for large amounts of data




For example, a job view might look like this:


job table

job table


The following buttons / functions are available in the ribbon:


Cancel Job: This allows the user to cancel an erroneously started job.


Jump to: after some jobs have been processed, you can jump to the corresponding element in the MDM (for example: check the parts list -> jump to the corresponding parts list)


Retrieve result: Certain jobs (eg: status report) generate PDF's or other (eg all evaluations) result data. This function can be downloaded or displayed after the job has been completed. The results are available for retrieval for 10 days. Thereafter, the data is deleted on the server.


Update: This will update the job list


Current / All own: by default, only the current jobs are displayed. Here you can see the complete data of all your current own jobs and jobs of other users still in progress  (only with limited information).





The following columns exist in the job table:


Creates on / at: time at which the job was created by the user


Generated by: User name of the user who created the job


Status: Information in which state the job is located


Parameters: here various information (eg: name of the parts list or the filter settings from the evaluations) is displayed


Type: Information about what kind of job it is


Started on / at: Time at which the MDM started to process the job


Completed On / At: Time at which the MDM completed the job


Result: This column provides various information about the result of the job. In the case of an error, this can be information about the error. Or, for example, with the import of parts lists, the result of the import




Notice! the result of the executed jobs is available to the user for retrieval only 10 days.


The general information about the jobs will be stored for about 1 year.