Project approval

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If devices are existing in the MDM, but not in a corresponding project approval (tab “Approved devices“ in the project structure), you can request such an appoval via the function “Request approval for project”. This request is only available for devices with the Status "active". The project must be marked as "Request new device allowed".


You can select several different projects in the input mask  by  <Control> + click or <Shift> + click. One request each per device and project is created and then approved or rejected separately.


The recipient, the person responsible for the project in the corresponding project structure, can then determine whether the device is supposed to be approved by special approval in a project or directly in an MFL.


At this point, it is important to make use of the field “Remark” to supply detailed information on the reasons why the device is needed to the person responsible for the project. This will facilitate the request for appoval considerably.


Attention! Certain features in the MDM are not available for all records (depending on status, kind of manufacturer and record). Further information you find h