Properties (component manufacturer)

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The following details concerning the manufacturer are available:


Name of the manufacturer without indication of corporate form

Range of functions:
The range of functions is indicated by different icons at the component data.
- Green dot: premium. To the components of this manufacturer or rather to the manufacturer himself any functions are available (e.g. applications, evaluations). As a rule, the data of these components are managed by the manufacturer himself. In the material data manager contact persons for further inquiries are defined and available.
- White dot: undefinded. Limited range of services (e.g. no workflow functions), authorized users may modify data or enter new data. No persons defined that can be contacted concerning the data records.
- Red dot: limited. Component data with the status “limited” cannot be changed and no further data related to this manufacturer can be entered. Only very limited functions are available for these component data.
The definition of the range of functions is administered by VESCON.

Adress- / contactdata of the company (not referred to persons)

Companies data

Companies data


Responsible manufacturers:
In the field “Responsible manufacturers” the users responsible for this component manufacturer are listed. The contact details window is opened by a double click on a mail address. The persons displayed here can be contacted in case of further questions concerning a component.

Variants of spellings:
In this field different spellings can be defined for the component manufacturer. This allows the execution of a parts list import without reworking in the source sysytem, even if the spellings are different. In the field “Variants of spellings“ the alternative spelling entered manually. Each created variant must not appear more than once in the material data manager. The administration of these variants is done by VESCON.