Cutting, copying and pasting

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Cutting, copying and pasting is possible for devices or structural elements by keyboard, icons or drag & drop, where pressing the <shift-key> changes between copying and relocating. Please pay attention to the following conditions:


It is possible to copy devices from all tables to the tabs "assigned devices" and "approved devices" , to the selection dialogues "predecessor / successor" and "comparison types" and also to the assignement mask of the CAD systems.

Relocating of devices (cutting and pasting) is possible only from chapters into other chapters.

"Temporary" devices can be copied only to the assignement mask of the CAD systems or to the chapter structure to avoid accidental approvals in the MFL- or project structure.

Structural elements can be cutted, copied or pasted only in the structure view.


Cutting / copying / pasting

Cutting / copying / pasting