Parts lists entries

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This report / export provides the parts lists entries concerning the selected description.


Attention! The limit of these entries is 200,000. If the result exceeds this limit an error message is displayed. For more entries a "Special export for large data" is available. Nearly unlimited numbers of data can so put out formatted as an order list in a XML file.


In the sector "structure element" the wanted structure element with subordinated elements can be defined.

In the sector "limit period of time"  the time frame in which the parts lists were imported can be defined.

In the sector "Representation" the content of the result list can be defined. "Parts list" delivers the entries as imported (not possible for special export). "Order list" delivers all identical entries (manufacturer and order number). With "Resolved representation" device groups are displayed with their subordinated devices (not in the "standard" representation).

Attention! In the Resolved view specific columns are no longer consistent represented. These are grayed out and the contents are empty. Column Consolidated manufacturers and order number have no content at assembly positions.


The result is displayed with the correponding information.


The result can be exported as an Excel or XML file (to be defined in "table settings".