The structural elements of the MFL structure can be described by the following attributes:
Name of the structural element as represented in the project tree. By a click on the button “Name” various translations can be entered.
•Long text:
Any explanatory text. Via a click on the button “Long text” various translations can be entered.
•Globally visible: Yes / No
If a structural element is set to “globally visible”, the tab “Attributes” will be visible to all users displaying the information
- Name
- Long text
- Responsible operators.
Structural elements not set to “globally visible” will not be visible to users without the respective authorization.
•Responsible operators:
In the field “Responsible operators” the operator users responsible for the respective structural element are listed. By a double click on the mail address the window with the contact details is opened.
An allocation is carried out via the register “Quick administration”.
•MFL status (with MFL only):
If the selected structural element belongs to the type “MFL”, a status can be given. The status is used to define the present state of the material approval list.
The colours of the icons reflect the status of the MLF and have the following meanings:
1. - In planning
MFL is in the planning stage at the operator’s
2. - Approved
MFL is approved for use by suppliers
3. – Archived
Changes are no longer possible.
The MLF status can be changed only in the order represented above. The status cannot be reversed.
•CAD assignment / parts list import allowed:
This setting manages the selection of structural elements for the CAD interfaces. Only elements with an activated contol box can be selected in the CAD systems.
In structural elements "MFL" the control box "CAD assignment allowed" is always marked - this setting can not be changed.