Navigation |
When in the ribbon the icon “Navigation“ is activated for a component in a component list, a window will open displaying the following information on this data record.
•Assigned chapters •MFL approvals •Predecessor / successor •Comparison types •Valid parts lists
If you click on the icon “Go to ...“, a new window will open displaying the structure view of the corresponding structure element or parts list.
•Via "Structure node" you will get directly to the structure element •Via “Structure node / device” you will get directly into the tab “Approved components” in the respective structural element and find the selected component •Via "Parts list" you will get directly into the tab "parts lists" of the corresponding project structural element.
By clicking on the button "Detail view" the detail view of the structure element is displayed.
Attention: the assignments of the device to the different structure elements and parts lists are only visible for users with special rights and permissions! |