Mass data – spacing |
This function allows the uniform formatting of data. This can be particularly helpful for written order numbers which have to be formatted consistently.
The function considers only numbers and letters of the original values. This means, for example, that out of ABC-123+A only ABC123A is used as an initial value. The original “pure” text (letters and numbers) is linked by the following functional characters.
Possible characters serving as functions are: *: All characters following the * are transferred #: Placeholder for a character $: The character in this place will be replaced by the character entered next.
All other characters are transferred directly.
Here are some examples for illustration: The following examples are based on the original text ABC-123+A. After internal clear-up the text ABC123A remains.
This text will be transferred to a new value depending on the function:
This function is available in pure text columns only.
Via the checkbox in the first column data records which are not supposed to be changed by this function can be deselected.
The value of the column before execution of the function is displayed in “Original value“. The “New value” is represented in the column of the same name. The lines which have been changed by the function are marked red. |